2024 course. 2025 course TBD.
2024 Shaw Bloom Trail 10k/20k Course
2024 Shaw Bloom Trail 10k/20k Course Description-
We’ve received final approval from the Shaw Nature Reserve for the 2024 official course for the Shaw Bloom Trail 10k/20k! As said when we introduced it in 2023, this course features the most single-track that we’ve ever been able to offer at the Shaw Nature Reserve is one of the most beautiful trail run courses in all of eastern Missouri.
As you arrive for the race, all parking for the race will be held, once again, on the southwestern side of the Reserve. Parking will open at 7:30 am. Signs will be posted from the entrance of the park to direct you to the lot. The path indicated in red on the course map above is the main driving route through the park. We ask that you enter through the main gate and exit via Robertsville Rd.
It is approximately a half-mile walk from the parking lot to Race HQ at the Maritz Trail House. Please leave yourself plenty of time to arrive on race day.
The 2024 Shaw Bloom will start on Brush Creek Trail just to the north of Trail House Loop Road, right across from the Trail House (Race HQ). We’ll head straight down (well, up on the map above, or North if you prefer,) the trail towards the entrance to the park.

After just over a third of a mile, we’ll hit our first major landmark – the creek crossing. For the creek crossing, there are a series of concrete pylons (at left) that runners will use to get over the water. PLEASE BE CAREFUL! In case of extreme water, we’ll use the bridge. (But don’t cheat and just use the bridge!)
Stay to the left as you come up the slight climb from the creek and continue on the Brush Creek Trail. A little while further on the trail, you’ll come across the first deer gate on our course. Simply follow the directions on the door to get through. This gate is never locked. Even if it’s closed, you can still get through.
As you continue to the north, you’ll find a number of trails heading off to the left around a series of ponds. Stay to the right on the main trail at all times. When you leave the forest, again stay to the right as you join a large gravel path just a few steps from Pinetum Loop Road surrounding Pinetum Lake, one of the largest lakes on the nature reserve property. Again, stay to your right.
We’ll loop around the southern section of the lake and then join up with the Wildflower Trail. As you will do everywhere on the course, simply follow the orange ribbons and flags. The Wildflower trail had been under maintenance for most of 2021 and 2022, but we finally were approved for use in 2023, and is one of the most fun sections of single-track in the park.
We’ll meet up with the Wolf Run Trail coming in on our left. We’ll make a right turn to head towards Wolf Run Lake and stay to the south side of the body of water. Instead of going all the way around the lake, we’ll make a right turn towards the Serpentine Wall, one of the park’s famous landmarks. Follow the Wall around until it ends and head down the steps towards one of the few times will actually be on Trail House Loop Road.

We cross the bridge over Brush Creek on the road, and then we’ll make a left turn onto the Wetland Trail. This section of trail features one of the highlights of this race right around the two-and-a-half-mile mark: the Boardwalk above Wetland lake. You’ll make a left turn off of the main trail to access it, and make sure you watch your step on the boardwalk for any slick spots! As you exit the boardwalk, turn left back onto the Wetland Trail.
You’ll head right at the end of the lake and start up hill, following the edge of a small forest before you come to a gravel road. Make a left turn onto Freund Ridge/Wetland Road briefly before making a quick right hand turn up a small embankment. Be on the look out for the orange trail markers here, but you’re basically going to run straight across the field with the Adlyne Freund Center on your left. There will be an orange cone marking the entrance to Jane’s Wildflower Trail heading towards the Meramec River.
As we head downhill, we’ll meet up with the Harris Hollow Trail and stay to the left. We’ll make another left into a small copse of trees and drop down to Quarry Road. Pay attention for the orange trail ribbons and flags!
Go straight across the road and head down Hidden Valley Trail to one of the prettier sections of the race as you may find yourself running with flowers in the middle of the trail. Stay to the right to head back uphill over a ridge and we’ll come down to another small section on gravel on Barn Road. Make a left and we’ll follow this down to the lowest elevation point on our trip as we come within a stone’s throw of the Meramec River.
We’ll make a right turn to join up with the Goddard Trail. You’ll have about a quarter mile of flat (possibly muddy) cruising before the “real” fun starts over the last mile of the 10k loop.
At just past the five and a half mile mark, we’ll make a right onto the Bluff Overlook Trail. (NOTE: If you somehow miss the ribbons and flags and end up hitting another bridge, you’ve gone too far! Turn around and head back about a quarter mile.) Once you start up Bluff Overlook Trail, the terrain we’ve been racing on will completely change. Gone are the wide open plains and river bottom flats. Here, you’ll suddenly face steps blasted out of the rock as you climb out of the river valley to the trail’s namesake overlook 13 stories above where you just were. (Feel free to grab a few photos here.)
Your legs will probably be a little sore at this point, but keep going–you’re almost to one of the most unique trails you’ll have a chance to run on in Missouri! You’ll stay to the left as the Bluff Overlook Trail splits in two. Just after the loop reconnects, you’ll make a left onto onto a connector trail over to the Wildflower Trail. When you come to a T in the trail with paths to the left or straight, turn left. Our course will quickly narrow down to a small single track with the bluff on your right and a steep drop off to your left. Marvel at the beauty but please don’t try and pass on this stretch of trail! After a twisty stretch of single track, we’ll make a left turn onto our final climb back towards Race HQ and the finish line.
Stay to the right of Race HQ, cross Trail House Road and you’ll find the Alpine Shop archway directly ahead of you.
For 20k competitors, you’re first loop is done and the 10k aid station will be directly in front of you. On to Loop Two!
Approximate mileage: 6.1 miles
Max Elevation: 650′
Min Elevation: 456′