Hermann, Missouri


Hermann is on the Missouri River at the crossroads of Highways 19 and 100, about halfway between Jefferson City and St. Louis. In Hermann, Market Street is Highway 19 and East 1st Street is Highway 100 East. Race HQ is at Hermann City Park.

From Kansas City or St. Louis:

Take Interstate 70 to Highway 19 (Exit 175 at New Florence). Take Highway 19 south 15 miles, across the Missouri River bridge into Hermann. To get to Race HQ, continue on Highway 19, now Market Street, to 14th Street. Turn right. Turn right onto Gasconade Street. Turn right at 12th Street and the main parking lot for the Hermann City Park will be in front of you. Race HQ will be in the pavilion on the Southeast side of the park.

From Springfield:

Take Interstate 44 east to Highway 19 (Exit 208 at Cuba). Take Highway 19 north 49 miles. To get to Race HQ, continue on Highway 19, now Market Street, to 14th Street (before you get to downtown Hermann). Turn left onto 14th Street. Turn right onto Gasconade Street. Turn right at 12th Street and the main parking lot for the Hermann City Park will be in front of you. Race HQ will be in the pavilion on the Southeast side of the park.

Printable Maps

These maps include museums and other points of interest, restaurants and shops.

Downtown Historic District [pdf]
Hermann [pdf]

Information courtesy of www.visithermann.com