Meramec Marathon Essentials

What is the distance?  

  • Approximately 28 miles for the long course and 12 for the short course.


  • Participants are required to drop their boats off at their starting line. The Conservation Area opens at 4:00am, but volunteers to watch boats will arrive no earlier than 5:00am on race day. 
  • After dropping their boats, racers must drive to the finish line to leave their car there. Then there will be a shuttle provided back to the race start lines.
  • Long Course shuttle is scheduled to leave at 6:30am. Short Course shuttle is scheduled to leave at 8:30am.
  • Participants are also welcome to have a 3rd party friend shuttle you, but we cannot leave vehicles at Pacific Palisades or Al Foster! 


  • RaceOwl Racer is the app you are required to use for the race. For any questions about how to use it, please visit the website. Also, please make sure you update the app about a week before the race. 

Who Can Participate?

  • All paddlers in good enough shape to tackle the Meramec Marathon. Racers under 18 must have a parent with them to sign the race liability waiver.

Event Requirements:

  • We do not post a minimum age requirement for this event. If you are a parent considering signing your child up, you are the best judge on whether or not they are up to the task. However, racers under 18 must have a parent with them to sign the race liability waiver.
  • You must have an iOS or Android based device to track your trip with the RaceOwl App for tracking paddlers during the race.
  • You must be able to self-support on this event (water, and nutritionally) with a functional canoe, kayak or SUP, and a functional PFD on at all times. We also ask that if you need to stop the race, you arrange a ride if possible. 
  • Paddlers may participate as either a solo, tandem, or team. Tandem and team participants need to check that they will compete as such at registration and register separately.

Participant Race Capacity: 

  • 250 total paddlers

Start Time:

  • Marathon- 7:30am
  • Short Course- 9:30am

Rules and Regulations:

  • A Kayak, Stand-Up Paddleboard (SUP), or Canoe is required to participate in this race and all are eligible for either distance. 
  • You need to provide your own equipment. Equipment will not be provided by Alpine Shop. (If you’d like to paddle and need a boat, reach out to We can get you squared away with a loaner in most cases)
  • ALL racers are required to wear a Coast Guard Approved PFD (Personal Floatation Device), worn correctly, with zippers zipped, buckles buckled, etc. at ALL times during the race, or you will be disqualified.
  • No alcohol  allowed in your boat, or on you while racing  (If you are caught with alcohol you will be disqualified)
  • Participants under 18-years-old must have a parent with them to sign the race liability waiver.
  • Participants must have a iOS or Android device to operate our racing app, RaceOwl. 

 Q&A and Shopping Night:

  • Shopping Night will take place on June 3rd, 2025.

EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Each participant should consider carrying (on their body, or in their boat):

ESSENTIALS: You will not be allowed to participate without all of the items below:

    1. Boat
    2. Paddle 
    3. Personal Flotation Device (PFD)
    4. Whistle
    5. Water
    6. Food
    7. iOS or Android device with RaceOwl Racer

ADDED ESSENTIALS: You really should have these, but you can still participate if you don’t.

    1. Back-up Paddle
    2. Sunscreen and floppy hat
    3. First aid kit
    4. Dry Bags or Dry Box
    5. Sponge
    6. Bilge Pump
    7. Paddle Float

Transferring Races:
Participants may switch from a marathon registration to a half-marathon registration (or vice versa), by contacting the Race Director at Alpine Shop at 314-962-7715 before June 18th, 2025.

Weather-Related Cancellations / Emergencies:
Unless the Race Director declares the rivers unusable, the race will proceed rain or shine. Severe weather may cause us to alter start times and/or the specific course used for the race. Absolutely no refunds will be issued for any racer that doesn’t participate.

Find information concerning weather or other race day changes at, and at Alpine Shop’s Facebook and Twitter pages.